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Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot

The 5-year pilot programs that let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

Caregiver Program in Canada: A Pathway to Fulfilling Careers

The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot are 5-year programs that let qualified care givers and their relatives come to Canada with the objective of becoming perpetual inhabitants. 


If you have a valid job offer in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots.


The application process will depend on your situation and the duration of  your qualifying work experience.

Glossary of terms used on this page.

The Caregiver Program in Canada offers a remarkable opportunity for individuals seeking a fulfilling career while making a positive impact on the lives of others. This program provides a pathway for foreign nationals to work as caregivers in Canada, supporting individuals with medical needs, disabilities, or seniors who require assistance. In this article, we will explore the Caregiver Program in detail, including its requirements, application process, and the benefits it offers to both caregivers and the Canadian society as a whole.


Understanding the Caregiver Program


The Caregiver Program is designed to address the growing demand for qualified caregivers in Canada. It consists of two streams: the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot. These programs allow foreign nationals to work in Canada temporarily as caregivers, with the potential for permanent residency.


Home Child Care Provider Pilot

The Home Child Care Provider Pilot is tailored for individuals who have experience in caring for children. Under this program, caregivers can provide essential child care services to Canadian families. This includes responsibilities such as supervising children, assisting with their daily routines, and creating a safe and nurturing environment.


Home Support Worker Pilot

The Home Support Worker Pilot is aimed at individuals who have experience in caring for individuals with high medical needs, disabilities, or elderly individuals. Caregivers under this program play a crucial role in supporting their clients with daily activities, personal care, household tasks, and companionship.


Requirements for the Caregiver Program


To be eligible for the Caregiver Program, applicants must meet certain requirements. These requirements include:


  1. Work Experience: Applicants must have a minimum of 24 months of full-time work experience, or an equivalent part-time experience, as a caregiver within the last 48 months. The work experience should be relevant to the stream they are applying for (Home Child Care Provider or Home Support Worker).

  2. Education: While there is no formal educational requirement, having a high school diploma or equivalent can enhance the applicant's profile.

  3. Language Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English or French, as caregiving involves effective communication with clients and their families. Language proficiency can be demonstrated through standardized language tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP).

  4. Medical and Security Clearances: Caregivers must undergo medical examinations and obtain police certificates to ensure they meet the health and security requirements set by the Canadian government.

  5. Job Offer and Written Employment Contract: Applicants need to secure a job offer from a Canadian employer to participate in the Caregiver Program. The job offer must include a written employment contract detailing the terms and conditions of employment.


Caregiver Program Application Process


The application process for the Caregiver Program involves several steps. These include:


  1. Gathering Documentation: Applicants need to gather the necessary documents, including work experience letters, educational credentials, language test results, medical examination reports, and police certificates.

  2. Finding an Employer: Caregivers must actively search for a Canadian employer who is willing to offer them a job. Networking, online job portals, and professional caregiver agencies can be valuable resources in finding suitable employment opportunities.

  3. Submitting the Application: Once a job offer is secured, caregivers need to submit their complete application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The application should include all required documents, the written employment contract, and the applicable fees.

  4. Processing and Work Permit Issuance: Upon receiving the application, IRCC will assess the eligibility of the caregiver. If approved, a work permit will be issued, allowing the caregiver to work in Canada temporarily. The work permit is usually issued for a specific duration, allowing caregivers to gain valuable Canadian work experience.

  5. Gaining Work Experience: Caregivers can now work in Canada, providing quality care and support to their clients. It is essential to fulfill the terms of the employment contract and maintain positive relationships with both the employer and the individuals being cared for.

  6. Permanent Residency Pathway: After gaining the required work experience, caregivers can apply for permanent residency through various immigration programs, such as the Caregiver Pathway or other suitable immigration streams. Permanent residency offers long-term stability and numerous benefits for caregivers and their families.


​Benefits of the Caregiver Program


​The Caregiver Program offers several benefits for caregivers and the Canadian society as a whole:


  1. Fulfilling Career: Caregivers have the opportunity to pursue a rewarding career that involves making a positive difference in the lives of others. The sense of fulfillment derived from providing care and support can be incredibly gratifying.

  2. International Work Experience: Working as a caregiver in Canada provides valuable international work experience, enhancing one's professional profile and increasing future employment opportunities.

  3. Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Caregivers have the chance to engage with Canadian culture, traditions, and communities, fostering cross-cultural understanding and promoting diversity.

  4. Permanent Residency: The Caregiver Program serves as a pathway to permanent residency, offering stability, access to social benefits, and the opportunity to settle in Canada permanently.

  5. Meeting Labor Market Needs: The Caregiver Program addresses the demand for caregivers in Canada, ensuring that individuals who require assistance receive quality care, and families have access to reliable and skilled caregivers.


Who is eligible to apply for a Home child care or home support worker pilot?


Work permits under The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot will be issued to eligible caregivers who have a valid job offer in Canada and fulfill the following criteria:


  • Have English Language tests results with a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 5;

  • Have completed 1-year of post-secondary education in Canada or an equivalent foreign credential supported by a valid Education Credential Assessment (ECA); and

  • Are admissible to Canada.


There are 2 ways to apply under this program:

1. Submit a work permit application related to a permanent residence application.

2. Submit a work permit application without a permanent residence application.


You can apply from:

1. Outside Canada 

2. Inside Canada


Through these pilots, you will get an open work permit to come to Canada and work temporarily. This work permit:


  • is occupation-restricted (so you have to work in that specific occupation)

  • doesn’t need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

  • lets you get the work experience you need to be eligible for permanent residence


If you recently worked as a home child care provider or support worker, your experience may count towards your eligibility for permanent residence.


What are the job requirements for the Home child care of home support worker pilot?


​To be considered eligible, your job offer needs to match the following NOC codes: 


Home Child Care Provider Pilot - Caregivers with work experience in NOC 4411 (excluding foster parents).

Home Support Worker Pilot - Caregivers with work experience in NOC 4412 (excluding housekeepers).


Additionally, the job you’re offered must be:


  • Genuine and valid (meaning there’s a real need to hire you).

  • Full-time (at least 30 hours of paid work each week).

  • From a Canadian employer (except for the employers listed as ineligible on the list of employers who have failed to comply with the conditions or employers who regularly offer striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages)

  • Outside the province of Quebec ( the province of Quebec has their own rules and requirements) 

  • From an employer who is not an embassy, high commission or consulate.


Eligibility Requirements to apply for Canadian permanent residence under the caregiver program


​Candidates who have been working in Canada and have accumulated a total work experience of 24 months and meet the other eligibility requirements have the option to transition to permanent residents of Canada. Additionally, candidates who do not have the qualifying Canadian work experience but meet other requirements can also apply for a Canadian permanent residence under the caregiver program. Such applicants must provide proof of: 


1. Valid job offer & 

2. Ability to perform the work


Steps to apply as a caregiver for immigration to Canada?


Step 1: Get a valid job offer - You need a genuine and valid job offer before you apply. 


Step 2: Complete your application - Fill out the relevant forms on a computer, based on where you apply from - Outside or Inside Canada.​


Step 3: Pay your application fees


In most cases, your fees include:


Study and work permit fees for your family members

If your family members are applying for study or work permits with your application, you need to pay fees for those too.

* include all your receipts with your application.


Step 4: Submit your application


How the process works:

  1. You apply to either the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or the Home Support Worker Pilot, depending on which occupation you plan to work in.

  2. You submit a work permit application together with your permanent residence application.

  3. If you meet the requirements, you get a work permit to work in Canada temporarily.

  4. The work permit you get is an occupation-restricted open work permit and lets you work as a caregiver for any employer.

  5. Get at least 24 months of work experience to qualify for permanent residence.

  6. You send us proof of your work experience once you have enough.

  7. We make a final decision on your application for permanent residence.


Source -


Caregiver Program Canada Processing Times


The processing times for the Caregiver Program in Canada vary depending on various factors. While the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) strives to process applications as efficiently as possible, it is important to understand that the processing times can fluctuate due to workload, application volumes, and individual circumstances. In this article, we will provide an overview of the factors that can affect processing times and offer insights into the general timelines for the Caregiver Program.


Factors Affecting Processing Times


Several factors can influence the processing times for Caregiver Program applications:


  1. Completeness of Application: The processing time of an application depends on whether it is complete and includes all the required documentation. Incomplete applications may experience delays as IRCC may request additional information or documents.

  2. Application Volume: The number of applications received by IRCC can significantly impact processing times. Higher application volumes may result in longer processing times due to the increased workload.

  3. Verification of Supporting Documents: IRCC verifies the authenticity and accuracy of the supporting documents submitted with the application. This process can take time, especially if there are concerns or discrepancies in the documentation.

  4. Security and Medical Checks: Caregiver Program applicants are subject to security and medical checks. These checks are necessary to ensure the safety and health of individuals being cared for. The time required for these checks can vary depending on individual circumstances.

  5. Complexity of the Application: Some applications may be more complex due to various factors, such as previous immigration history, family circumstances, or unique situations. Complex applications may require additional review, leading to longer processing times.

  6. Changes in Immigration Policies: Processing times can be affected by changes in immigration policies or the introduction of new programs or initiatives. These changes may require adjustments in processing procedures, potentially impacting the overall timelines.


General Processing Times


It is important to note that processing times can change over time and vary on a case-by-case basis. The following are general estimates for the processing times of Caregiver Program applications:


  1. Work Permit Processing: The processing time for a work permit application, which allows caregivers to work in Canada temporarily, can range from a few weeks to several months. It is advisable to submit the application well in advance and consider any potential delays.

  2. Permanent Residency Processing: For caregivers who have completed the required work experience and are eligible to apply for permanent residency, the processing time can range from several months to over a year. The assessment of permanent residency applications involves a thorough review of the applicant's qualifications and adherence to immigration requirements.


It is important to keep in mind that these estimates are general guidelines, and actual processing times may differ depending on individual circumstances and the factors mentioned above. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding processing times, it is recommended to regularly check the IRCC website or contact IRCC directly.

Latest Changes to Child Care Home Support Worker Program (previously Caregiver Program) in Canada


The Child Care Home Support Worker Program in Canada has undergone significant changes in 2023, bringing forth new opportunities and requirements for individuals looking to immigrate to Canada as caregivers. These updates aim to streamline the application process, enhance support for caregivers, and ensure the welfare and well-being of children under their care. 


The 4 categories available for these pilots (as long as the cap isn’t full):

  • Home Child Care Provider Pilot: Gaining experience category

  • Home Child Care Provider Pilot: Direct to permanent residence category

  • Home Support Worker Pilot: Gaining experience category

  • Home Support Worker Pilot: Direct to permanent residence category


Simplified Application Process

To make it more accessible and efficient, the Child Care Home Support Worker Program has introduced a simplified application process. This update aims to reduce the complexity and time-consuming nature of the previous system, allowing caregivers to navigate through the process more smoothly. The new application procedure streamlines documentation requirements and provides clearer instructions, making it easier for caregivers to understand and fulfill the necessary criteria.


Enhanced Support for Caregivers

Recognizing the invaluable contributions of caregivers, the updated program offers enhanced support systems to ensure their success and well-being. Caregivers now have access to comprehensive orientation and training programs, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. Additionally, mentorship opportunities are available, allowing caregivers to connect with experienced professionals and receive guidance throughout their journey.


Focus on Child Welfare

The 2023 changes to the Child Care Home Support Worker Program underscore the importance of child welfare and protection. Stringent regulations have been implemented to ensure that children under the care of caregivers are provided with a safe and nurturing environment. Robust background checks and thorough screening processes are conducted to verify the suitability and trustworthiness of caregivers. By prioritizing the welfare of children, the program aims to create a secure and nurturing environment for their development.


Strengthened Language Proficiency Requirements

Effective communication skills are vital for caregivers to provide optimal care and establish strong relationships with children and their families. The updated program places a stronger emphasis on language proficiency requirements, ensuring that caregivers possess the necessary language skills to effectively communicate in English or French. Adequate language proficiency not only facilitates efficient caregiving but also aids in integrating into Canadian society.


Extended Pathways to Permanent Residence

In recognition of the vital role played by caregivers in Canadian society, the 2023 changes to the program have extended the pathways to permanent residence. Qualified caregivers now have more options to transition from temporary to permanent status, providing them with increased stability and security. These pathways acknowledge their valuable contributions and offer a means to build a long-term future in Canada.


Changes to qualifying work experience

As of April 30, 2023, you now need only 12 months of qualifying work experience instead of 24 months.


This affects

  • all new applications

  • applications currently being processed


If you haven’t applied yet

If you have at least 12 months of qualifying work experience, you can apply under the Direct to permanent residence category for these pilots.


If you already applied under the Gaining experience category

  • You no longer need 24 months of qualifying work experience.

  • If you have at least 12 months of qualifying work experience, follow the instructions to send us proof of your experience.


What if I do not qualify under the Caregiver pilot projects, can I still work in Canada as a Caregiver?


If you do not meet the requirements for permanent residence as a caregiver, you may be able to work in Canada temporarily.


If you are currently working inside Canada - Apply to extend your work permit through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).


Your employer will need to get a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) first.




Apply for a new work permit


In most cases, you can apply for a work permit to work in Canada temporarily as a caregiver through the TFWP if:

  • you’re in Canada and eligible to apply for a work permit from inside Canada

  • you’re outside Canada and your employer applied for an LMIA before June 18, 2019, or

  • you’ll be working in Quebec


Your employer will need to get a positive LMIA first.


What are the reasons for refusal of Caregiver Program application to immigrate to Canada?


While the Caregiver Program in Canada offers a valuable opportunity for individuals to work as caregivers and potentially immigrate to Canada, it is essential to understand that not all applications are successful. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) carefully assesses each application based on specific criteria. In this article, we will explore some common reasons for the refusal of Caregiver Program applications, helping applicants understand potential pitfalls and improve their chances of success.


Insufficient Work Experience


One of the primary reasons for the refusal of a Caregiver Program application is insufficient work experience. Applicants must demonstrate a minimum of 24 months of full-time work experience, or an equivalent part-time experience, as a caregiver within the last 48 months. If the applicant fails to provide adequate evidence of meeting this requirement or the work experience is not relevant to the caregiver stream they are applying for, the application may be refused.


Incomplete or Inaccurate Documentation


Another common reason for refusal is incomplete or inaccurate documentation. Caregiver Program applicants are required to submit various supporting documents, including work experience letters, educational credentials, language test results, medical examination reports, and police certificates. If any of these documents are missing, incomplete, or contain inaccurate information, it can lead to the refusal of the application. It is crucial to ensure that all documentation is thorough, up-to-date, and meets the specific requirements outlined by IRCC.


Inadequate Language Proficiency


Language proficiency is a significant factor in the Caregiver Program application process. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English or French to effectively communicate with clients and their families. If an applicant's language test results do not meet the minimum requirements or fail to demonstrate the necessary language skills, it can result in the refusal of the application. It is essential to invest time and effort in improving language proficiency and retaking language tests if necessary.


Failure to Meet Medical and Security Requirements


Caregiver Program applicants must undergo medical examinations and obtain police certificates to ensure they meet the health and security requirements set by the Canadian government. If an applicant fails to meet these requirements, it can lead to the refusal of the application. It is important to follow the instructions provided by IRCC regarding medical examinations and obtain the necessary documentation to demonstrate good health and character.


Lack of Job Offer or Written Employment Contract


A crucial requirement of the Caregiver Program is securing a job offer from a Canadian employer. The job offer must be genuine, and a written employment contract detailing the terms and conditions of employment is mandatory. If an applicant fails to provide a valid job offer or a comprehensive employment contract, it can result in the refusal of the application. It is important to actively search for suitable employment opportunities, network with potential employers, and ensure that the job offer and employment contract meet the requirements specified by IRCC.


Support and Resources for Caregivers in Canada

The Caregiver Program in Canada not only provides a pathway for immigration but also ensures that caregivers have access to the necessary resources and support systems to thrive in their roles. Here are some resources that caregivers can utilize:


Support Groups

Support groups offer a platform for caregivers to connect with others in similar situations, share experiences, and learn from each other. These groups can be a valuable source of emotional support and practical advice. Some examples include the Canadian Caregiver Network and local community organizations.


Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development is crucial for caregivers to enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest practices in caregiving. Various organizations in Canada offer training programs, workshops, and seminars for caregivers. For instance, the Canadian Red Cross offers a range of courses for caregivers.


Mental Health Resources

Caregiving can be emotionally challenging, and it's essential for caregivers to take care of their mental health. Resources like the Canadian Mental Health Association provide mental health support services and resources for caregivers.


How Can I Avoid a Canadian Immigration Refusal?


Refusal or denial can be painful and stressful. Most people think that they know what they're doing and will do it right. Not all of them can actually claim that they will not make a mistake. Immigration applications to Canada are a 1-time opportunity. A mistake can lead to irreparable damage to your profile. Therefore, you may want to consider hiring a professional immigration consultant who has the knowledge and expertise in matters of Canadian immigration laws. 


Contact us now to connect with our Regulated Canadian  Immigration Consultant (RCIC).


FAQ's about the live-in Caregiver Program in Canada

Q: Can I get paid to be a caregiver for a family member in Canada?

A: Yes, in some provinces, programs exist that may allow you to be paid for providing care to a family member. However, the specifics can vary, so it's best to check with local health services for the most accurate information.


Q: Is there a caregiver program in Canada?

A: Yes, Canada has a Caregiver Program that consists of two streams: the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot. These programs allow foreign nationals to work in Canada temporarily as caregivers, with the potential for permanent residency.


Q: How can I become a caregiver in Canada?

A: To become a caregiver in Canada, you need to have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer, a minimum of 24 months of full-time work experience as a caregiver within the last 48 months, proficiency in English or French, and medical and security clearances.


Q: What is the new program for caregivers in Canada?

A: The new program for caregivers in Canada is the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot. These programs were introduced to address the growing demand for qualified caregivers in Canada.


Q: Is caregiver program open in Canada 2023?

A: Yes, the Caregiver Program is open in Canada in 2023. The program underwent significant changes in 2023, including a simplified application process, enhanced support for caregivers, and extended pathways to permanent residence.


Q: How much is a caregiver paid in Canada?

A: The pay for caregivers in Canada can vary based on factors like location, the specific duties of the job, and the caregiver's level of experience. On average, caregivers can expect to earn between $15 and $25 per hour.


Q: How long does it take to get a live-in caregiver program in Canada?

A: The processing time for a work permit application, which allows caregivers to work in Canada temporarily, can range from a few weeks to several months. The processing time for permanent residency can range from several months to over a year.


Q: How long is the caregiver course in Canada?

A: The length of caregiver courses in Canada can vary depending on the program and institution. Typically, caregiver training programs can range from several months to two years.


Q: How much is a caregiver per hour in Canada?

A: The hourly wage for caregivers in Canada can vary based on factors like location, the specific duties of the job, and the caregiver's level of experience. On average, caregivers can expect to earn between $15 and $25 per hour.


Q: What is the age limit for caregiver in Canada?

A: There is no specific age limit for caregivers in Canada. However, to be eligible for the Caregiver Program, applicants must be able to demonstrate they are physically and mentally capable of performing the duties of the job.


Q: Is there a demand for caregivers in Canada?

A: Yes, there is a significant demand for caregivers in Canada. This demand is addressed by the Caregiver Program, which allows foreign nationals to work in Canada temporarily as caregivers.

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